A blog about family, knitting and the occasional diaper... 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My first pair of (successful) mittens!!

This is Kate Gilbert's Gifted pattern, super duper easy and QUICK!! Love it. And best of all, Nico loves them too! I used chunky alpaca and some black Galway to get gauge. Mitts are a tad big, but warm and fuzzy. I think I'll make myself a pair next. Yum.

Here are a few more pictures of miss coconut:





And for fun...
Après les problèmes avec notre téléphone/boîte vocale qui ne fonctionne pas, maintenant j'ai des problèmes avec l'internet. Je devrais retourner avec un vieux téléphone avec un cadran et une connection internet téléphonique! On se rappelle du bon vieux temps quand on ne pouvait pas recevoir des appels pendant qu'on était sur le web, et la belle musqique que notre ordi faisait en se connectant! Ahhh les beaux souvenirs :o)

Mon projet d'hiver (Seaweed) se continue lentement... C'est comme un peu plate comme project, ribbing, ribbing, ribbing. Beurk. Mais une fois complété, Nico va être capable d'utiliser le porte-bébé sans mettre le manteau sur miss coconut. 


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Was Liam's favorite word when he was a baby (he even named his fave toy elephant mr. dadou) and now it's Romi's!!
After much prompting, here she is, saying it for the camera :o)

Monday, January 7, 2008

les shakes

Je vais tenter de mon mieux de réduire ma consommation de café au minimum. Est-que mes 3 cafés par jour sont la cause du sommeil fragile de Romi? On va s'mettre le coeur net!

Jour 1: Incapable d'arrêter ma consommation de caféine à 100%. 1 café le matin. Cause perdue? Ben non, on fait donc un premier tests de quelques jours avec seulement un café par jour. 

Sunday, January 6, 2008

crack baby

I drank 3 coffees in a few hours. This is Romi.


You know it's a sad day when you have to sell 2 of your beloved diapers. A gnome Muttaqin and a Goodmama. Why? Cause I went overboard with purchases. And these were the least painful of the lot that I could part with. The Mutt isn't a knit print, so didn't stretch as well as my others and the Goodmama faded after the first wash so I was scared to use it in case it faded anymore. 
Oh how I loved the Gnome print. I stalked for it, felt the thrill of the hunt, hands shaking, blood pressure going sky high while I refreshed my computer screen at 7:59:59pm. I got it. But I never realized it was a woven print. Until it came to live with me :(

Those of you who share my love of diapers can surely empathise. Lets all take a moment to wish these 2 diapers farewell, and hope they will land in a loving new home. 

Saturday, January 5, 2008


He peed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liam the boy-who-will-not-potty-train peed 3 times in his potty today!!! Could it be the beginning of the end? We went diaperless today and while I had to prompt him to use the potty and bribe him with raisins so he'd stay on it, it worked! Not one accident and 3 sweet victories. I know it won't mean much to most of you and you might be snickering that the boy should've been potty-trained a long time ago, but he would just refuse to use the potty. Ok, potties.  But he did today. And I am the happiest mama in the world!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Bonne Année Grand Nez!

Une nouvelle année qui débute... Je peux pas croire, déjà 2008? 

Lazy. That's what I am. Lazy. Lazy. Or is it tired?
I haven't written anything in ages and I'm kinda feeling bad about that. Kinda. 

But Liam has been home for the holidays, which means, no computer time unless it's during naps... Speaking of which:
Isn't eat the yummiest when he's sleeping? *sigh*

Let's see. I am presently bouncing Romi on the exercise ball in my Kozy MeiTai trying to get her to fall asleep so I can type this. She is pulling my hair in protest. Why won't she go to sleep?? Doesn't she realise that if she won't sleep now, then the whole day is going to be a mess? I'm about to give up but I have to go to the market but if she hasn't slept she will be so cranky that I'm fearing a total meltdown. Not a fun prospect in below zero weather with a baby stuck to my chest in a baby carrier. Where's summer? Oh how I miss thee.
Wait a minute! Her eyes just closed for a millisecond longer than before... Could she be on her way to sleeping? Nope, false alarm. 

I'm a bit late with this, but we had a great christmas. Decided to forgo the conventional christmas supper and replaced it with a  christmas brunch. It was soooo much more enjoyable than last year! Lets face it, kids past 5pm are no fun. So why torture myself? 
Morning is where it's at. 

Here's a picture of the 4 siblings together. A rare occurrence.... I think it's been years since I've been photographed with my brothers and sister, and yep, you guessed it, every picture is blurry. I need to give Nico a crash course on how to use the manual settings on my camera... 
And the rest of the gang (minus my 2 kiddos since they were, by that time, finally napping.)