A blog about family, knitting and the occasional diaper... 

Monday, February 4, 2008

In her new car seat...

I jumped through hoops to get a silly print for her new carseat!! We realllly wanted the cowmooflage but it wasn't available in Canada for the Britax Roundabout. So I ordered it from the states. After going through hell to get the seat from UPS without having to pay their brokerage fee, we have our seat!!! So soft and lovely and comfy. We love it!!

Here she is babbling in her car seat. Sorry, the camera motion might make you nauseous!

2 mittens on magic loop. Didn't think I'd get through, but I'm nearing the end!! I love knitting with Noro, the colors are just so much fun! Not the softest yarn, but for mittens I don't care. I just like the bright, non-matchy effect it has. Hopefully they won't be weirdly mismatched. Considering on side has 4 more stitches than the other. Don't ask.



Old Gates Farm said...

i love noro! good colors! what is a magic loop??

dafeist said...

Magic loop: using one loooong circular needle to knit small objects. I'm doing both mittens on one circular, that way I finish both at once :-) Oh, I mut mention that I HATE DPN's. But I love Magic Loop!

Here's a video on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtBSmxGomPk

Unkempt Mommy said...

We have a camooflage seat too! (but ours is a marathon) DH hates the cow print for some reason, but I LOVE it!

Those mittens look yummy!

Jennifer Lori said...

That is a great color! Which # is that? I MUST have some! :)